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Where Kaspa Miners Thrive
Kat Pool is an open-source mining pool for Kaspa, empowering miners with transparency, scalability, freedom, and $NACHO.

Kaspa Mining, Evolved
Experience Kaspa mining optimization at its finest. Kat Pool delivers industry-leading efficiency, transparent rewards, and innovative dual-mining-like capabilities through our advanced pool infrastructure.
Advanced Mining Pool Architecture
Engineered with sub-second share processing, variable difficulty, and globally distributed nodes to deliver the highest possible mining returns.
- Real-time Analytics Dashboard with Advanced Metrics
- Optimized PPLNS Rewards with 12-Hour Cycles
- Dual Rewards with $NACHO Buyback Rebates
- Censorship-Resistant, Private, Secure

Join the Kat Pool Revolution
Here is what you can expect:
Additional Holder Benefits:
- Discounted pool fee
- Priority tech support
- Early features access
Always Included Features:
- Support for all ASIC models
- Fair PPLNS pooling scheme
- Rewards paid out twice daily
- 0.25% fee refunded as $NACHO
- Open source, secure, anonymous
Additional Holder Benefits:
- Discounted pool fee
- Priority tech support
- Early features access